Monday, July 27, 2009


Back in Boston. I was in Chicago for about three weeks, and it was grand, but I decided to come back before the move to Austin. Travelling around has put a lot of stuff in perspective. Still no access to a scanner, but I haven't been drawing much anyway. Sick of looking at my sketchbook.

Banana bread is currently in the oven. Beach Boys on the record player.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


But surly, I'm selling my touring bike. It got me from Boston to Chicago, but the tour ends here. I plan on touring again, but I'd like to do it with a lighter bike, a lighter load, and for a shorter distance. It was fun while it lasted, but I'm too burnt out. Sam, the touring buddy, is already hopping trains out to Portland, and I'm trying to sort out my brain a bit to form a plan. Austin, TX, is most likely the next destination at the end of the summer. Farewell, bike I never named.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Birthing commences. This will exist for sketches and such nonsense once I have access to a scanner again, but for now it's a sort of travel log. My bike trip is over. I'm staying in Chicago and eventually moving to Austin. I currently wake up at 2PM, sit around the house of where I'm staying, watch Lord of the Rings//Pulp Fiction//two small dogs fight, then I ride down to the Flat Iron area at night and try to sell silkscreened patches.

Then I will try to convince someone I meet on the street to get me drunk, which sometimes works, or to just hang out for a while. Some times I play a xylophone//jaw harp//boom box. Some times I sit. Most of the time I feel pretty damn good.